Light Language Classes The Mayan art of manifestation through color, light and sacred geometry The basic of all creation is sacred geometry, shape and color. Everything which exists in the universe is made of it.
The ancient Mayan knowledge of Light Language has been passed down to us through an unbroken lineage of Mexican Curanderos (master healers).
As we enter into the “Light Age,” our spiritual evolution is moving upward through the chakras. Now we are more ready than ever before to apply this wisdom to our lives.
Your thoughts create your reality.
Every thought you have is, on the subconscious level, composed of a specific sequence of colored geometries.
These geometries move at a speed beyond the speed of light. The Mayans knew how to access this “light code” in the subconscious mind and use it for shaping their conscious reality.
In Light Language, you, too, learn to read and write light, and communicate on the mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Beginning Light Language Class (4-5 hours class)

At the Beginning Light Language level, you learn to reshape your auric field and create a firm foundation in the Language of Light. Learn to use color and sacred geometry to shape your activities. Discover how to recognize color and sacred geometry in your language, thoughts, and behavior. With Light Language you can shift the energy of just about any situation you encounter. As you learn to re-shape your aura with color and sacred geometry, you become conscious of the subconscious choices you’ve been making. With this new level of conscious knowledge, you can solidify the energies you wish to keep in your field and replace other energies, beliefs, and patterns with new vibrations. Learn to magnetize to yourself what you truly desire. Make instant and long-lasting changes in your self and your environment.
You will learn: Ways to change or enhance the form in which cash comes to you. How to attract or discern the type of relationship you desire, or enhance the energies of your current relationship. How to choose the way you receive your psychic information and use your psychic abilities in different ways. How to shape the energy of a room, space, or location.
How to use Light Language to increase self-confidence, release fears, build self-esteem, and more.
Course includes 46-page Beginning Light Language manual. Intermediate Light Language (10-12 hours class)

At the Intermediate level, you build on your conscious and subconscious knowledge of light. As you master a new level of Light Work, you learn to create in your aura powerful 49-shaped light grids for attracting to you specific situations, healings, and outcomes. As you discover the patterns and obstacles that have been in your path, you are able to uncover the cause of your dis-ease, lack, or reason for not yet having what you would like to create.
In the teachings of the curanderos, there are nine different categories of causes, and nine areas of life to which they can be applied. As you write yourself new light grids, you heal the cause and re-write the script in your life.
Light Language Grids can be created for yourself, for other individuals, or for your community. There is much that can be done to create change in the world around you.
Whether it involves cleaning your city’s water supply, helping the homeless, improving education, or finding homes for animals, a grid can be written to create that healing or positive change.
As you align with the energies of a place or situation, and reconfigure the energies in accordance with the highest good of all concerned, you create healing and harmony on a larger scale. Build on your abilities as a “presence healer.” Every dis-ease has a shape or form.
In Intermediate Light Language, you learn to re-configure the form of the auric field by creating 49-shaped healing grids. Each healing grid can be likened to an ongoing 49-chakra healing. Once a grid is written, its energy continues to re-configure and re-form one’s energies for an ongoing period of time. Learn the grid work for the healing of over 200 dis-eases, as taught by the Mayans. During this class you will also build these grids on a subconscious level in your own auric field, so that as you walk through life, anyone who enters into your presence and wants a healing will automatically receive a subconscious healing.
No healing experience is necessary to take this course.
Light Language is useful in any profession, in any walk of life.
Learn to construct a new wave for your reality, and create positive change for your community and the planet.
Course includes 250-page Intermediate Light Language manual.

Advanced Light Language (5-7 full day class) The advanced level of light language is a powerful and life changing class where you will spend six days learning and integrating a tremendous amount of energetic information.
During this time, the teacher works with the Mayan Masters to create multi-dimensional light grids shifting all of your bodies to fully absorb the sacred geometrical shapes, light colors, and grids enabling you to take a full vibrational step forward.
In this class you will learn: how to write 144-shaped grids that follow the pattern of our DNA using 80 sacred geometrical shapes and 144 light colors.
These grids are created to assist you and others in manifesting long lasting changes on all levels.
Community grids at this level hold enough power to help change the energies and perceptions for entire countries allowing them to shift with more grace on the physical plane.
At this advanced level, grids are powerful enough to clear the energies of life threatening diseases.
If you’re ready to step up to conscious light work for the planet, this class is for you. You will become empowered using the teachings of light language that the Curanderos of Mexico mastered.
This will give you the confidence to know that you can and ARE making a difference in yourself and the world around you. Join us and take the next conscious step in the dimensions of advanced co-creation. Includes four large manuals (over 800 pages total).

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