The Template Ceremonies are organic & wholistic.

While in Glastonbury for the Ceremonies 6-1, of The Template, in December 2015, we came across a great synchronicity.
Our story begins in the cottage that is usually kept for Jiva & Juliet in Glastonbury, every year the past few years, for the time they spend in U.K.
Well, not this time...This time, by mere luck, 6 of the Greek Templaters got to rent this lovely cottage, only for the week of the ceremonies 6-11. After the ceremonies were over, Jiva & Juliet would move in to spend the rest of the visit in Glastonbury, there.
One of those amazing fine mornings, the first day of ceremony 11, my sister Andriana found an amazing plant in the back garden of the cottage, underneath the main bedroom window.
She was so exited that she cut a "flower/fruit" and showed me and then we both got exited with it`s magical shape. We kept it with us, to the ceremonies, just because!
When we entered the Assembly rooms, venue of the ceremonies, there was this awesome Intercourse geometry hanging from the ceiling of the C11. It took us few minutes literally to get our eyes/heart/soul around that magnificent geometry piece of C11 and when we came back to our senses we figured out that the shape of this "flower/fruit", was the same geometry of the Intercourse geo. We were triple exited as we told Juliet about it and she seemed as puzzled/exited as us. At the end of the ceremonies, Juliet told us that actually her and Jiva where eating and spitting the seeds of that "flower" fruit plant to the garden of the cottage, last year. This plant at this time of the year, has this shape...

As i see it, Jiva & Juliet were receiving information from the plant to create this geo...
This is what i call an organic, wholistic approach.

We didn`t speak about it any more, but Andriana got some nice pictures of it to share this nice synchronistic story.

Cheers everyone & happy new now!
The Template Greece


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