
The journey of liberation begins with needlessness as a state of total sentient sovereignty is realized.
As we begin to reconnect circuitry and resurrect the original Human blueprint, we integrate and synthesize a natural resonance with the Benevolent Source of Creation. As this resonance gradually and harmoniously infiltrates every level of consciousness we will begin to redefine the way in which we sustain ourselves. Physically, we will no longer be able to sustain our molecular structure by the taking of life in any form as the Human matrix is altered through heightened awareness of its interconnectedness with all creation. Energy will then be directly assimilated through Sacred Breath as we internally manufacture, in the alchemical laboratory of the Human temple, elixirs of eternal life. This will not happen through intellectual direction alone but through the harmonious unfolding of organic alignments radiating out from our inner core. With more and more reconnected circuitry we will integrate more and more of the Source Consciousness that supports our desire to become harmless and needless.
“Whosoever eats of the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of the death” The Essene Gospel of Peace
The planetary frequency is becoming more and more dense as we move closer to the pinnacle of precession of the equinoxes. Simultaneously the periphery of a new reality, a new model of existence, a new paradigm, is forming the counter-balance for this acceleration of the shadow. Many of us are living in both worlds.
This transitional phase is a great and testing challenge. To stabilize this new paradigm when we all around, the prevailing frequencies of fear oppose you, is exhausting. The physical body has to deal with many new chemicals and a barrage of fear-inducing global insanities that are disturbing our hormonal balance. Negative manipulation of consciousness through media is accelerating daily. Food has lost the integrity of its infrastructure as it becomes undermined by the use of chemicals inescapable in the air and water, and hugely by genetically modified seed banks.
There is less and less resonance with the food supply as not only is it becoming less digestible, but our resonance with a greater spectrum of light is lessening our resonance with the archaic process of gross consumption…the buying, cooking, eating, eliminating process. Our conscious evolution is preparing us on deep levels to embrace a direct assimilation of pure energy.
Consuming flesh substantiates the death resonance defiling the sacred enclosure of the body-temple.
Even those who have for many years abstained from consumption of flesh are mistaking their feelings of exhaustion and desire for nourishment as a lack of flesh protein. Many are grounding themselves into a reality that is stabilized by fear, by eating fear. As death approaches, the animal chosen for slaughter moves quickly into ‘fight or flight’ mode, releasing massive amounts of adrenaline into its muscular structure in order to stimulate the strength and spread it will need to escape its killer. When this toxic substance is ingested it stimulates the reptilian brain to trigger exaggerated aggression responses. Adrenal toxicity accelerates the degeneration of the physical body.
When ingesting slain flesh you are, without doubt, involved in, and responsible for, not only the death of the animal but also its suffering. The inescapable, inherent sense of guilt triggers deep denial and subjugation of compassion that dulls the senses, creating paranoid self-revulsion neurosis, substantiating the hopelessness of your own separation from the continuum. There is little point in cleansing your chakras with crystals and clearing your space with incense when you continue to defile your body-temple with slain flesh.
This is not a moral issue – it is one of balance. No amount of positive thinking or ‘blessing’ can correct the imbalance. You cannot expect to fully enjoy and receive that which you take…life.
A friend argued this point with me one day. “In this world” he said, “in order for something to live, something must die”. This of course is one of the balance mechanisms that maintain duality. The choice is yours…do you wish to remain within this realm of conflict and suffering…in which reality do you want to ground your resonance?
A vegetarian/vegan diet is the first step in transcending the gross tendencies that govern our dualistic existence. Ideally it is preferable to make this decision from your own inner realization and the voice of compassion in your heart rather than from guilt or shame. However, if you cannot hear that voice, become a vegetarian and you will.
The reconnection of circuitry will assist this move away from one of Humanity’s darkest and deepest addictions by reconnecting the energy supply to the endocrine system and redefining the way in which we sustain life, not through an adopted discipline, but from the harmonious unfoldment of organic alignments radiating from our core…from the heart.
Ultimately we shall be sustained by light and love when we can fully resonate with the complete mandala of the immortal paradigm gifted to us by the Benevolent Source of Creation. Until then it is vital to begin to make changes within our lives that are within our reach.
The Template
A Holonomic Model of Transcendence (P. 33-34-35)
Juliet Carter & Jiva Carter



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