Change your water change your life !

Drinking alkaline water is a great way to neutralize and flush out all of the toxins and acids that drain from the tissues and bodily fluids , and to quickly rehydrate the body and keep the blood alkaline.

Daniel Reid,
Author, The Tao ofDetox

The "Baby Boom" generation is advancing in years, with millions ap­ proaching (or having already reached) age 60 every month. So it's no surprise that there has been a parallel upsurge of interest about maintaining life energy, vitality, and overall fitness or wellness, improving health and lowing the aging process. In addition, the generations that followed the Boomers are experiencing the onset of chronic diseases at an earlier age than their predeces­ sors, and are paying the price both in terms of money and their compromised health and wellbeing.

According to conventional medicine, physiology and natural health experts, subtle changes in the pH of the body's "inner sea" can affect overall health, feeling of wellbeing, level of fatigue, pain, weight and athletic performance. pH balance and acid buffering are crucial to human health and determine how fast we rust, wear out, decay, break down, or age.

The purpose of this report is to provide easy to understand, accurate infonnation about diet and lifestyle changes that lead to optimal pH balance. The water you choose to drink is critical to achieving long-term optimal pH.

In Japan, hospitals and clinics have used purified, electrically restmctured, hexagonal, ionized, alkaline water, for over 30 years to treat a number of disease conditions. Numerous peer reviewed scientific studies performed worldwide in well respected universities and hospitals show the following benefits of restructured ionized water:

• Release of excess body fat and stored toxins
• Normalization of blood sugar and insulin
Normalization of blood pressure
Elimination of abnormal gastro-intestinal putrefacti • Support of healthy colon function

• Resolution of urinary tract infections
• Reduction of candida and fungus proliferation • Reduction of chronic pain
• I
mproved wound healing


Benefits of Optimal Hydration:

  • -  Increased oxygenation

  • -  Mnscles producing more power

  • -  Increased endurance

  • -  Less cramping in muscles

  • -  Faster recovery

  • -  Enhanced nutritional supplement absorption

    - Removal of toxins
    - Serves as a powerful anti-oxidant

    - Promotes cellular communication


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