Ceremony 2 * The Template ceremonies *


Sacred Geometry, Sonic Codes... We are the amalgamation of various visible and invisible energy systems that together generate the Human hologram. The fact that out of 3 billion base pair chemicals in the Human gene code only 60million are active points to Human genetic modification. Built upon the laws of resonant harmonics, creating synergy with the vibratory infrastructure of your dormant DNA, The Template is a transcendent model that offers the un-interpreted, uncensored energetic truth of Creation, delivered by the simple reconnection of electromagnetic energy via bio-circuitry. The reconnection of circuitry revitalizes the endocrine system and renders us able to receive, translate and utilize the full spectrum geometries of light that we may collectively stabilize a new matrix a paradigm resonant with the integrity of light.

Apply/watch the ceremonies by the order they are given. When the voice sounds double, its the moment where you repeat the words. Enjoy!

The Ceremony of Synthesis, Ceremony 2 (pre request is to have watched ceremony 1 before watching number 2). 


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