Paracelsus Theophrastus


Paracelsus Treatments That Remove Disease

Naturale – treatment using the opposite of nature for balancing

Specificie – remedies having affinities for specific morbid conditions  

Characterales – cure from will power, suggestion, inspiration or hypnosis  

Fideles – cure by faith and magic

Spirituales – healing from someone holding the keys to the mysteries of life 


Paracelus Theory of Three Kinds of Physicians

* Those born of nature and given gifts by astrological divination 

* Those taught by men and trained in the healing arts

* Those given by God and directly taught by God

Paracelsus believed that physical characteristics and personality were determined at conception and that a set of dominant characteristics was inherited from the parents as a reflection of the hereditary line or character inheritance, Ens Seminales

He challenged those who believed that only planetary influences were responsible for the expression of character.

His only exception to the hereditary theory of Ens Seminales was his belief that negative influences from the parents at conception led to deformities and psychological immorality that caused a child to become a thief or murderer.

He also included the four elements of man and the cosmos – earth, water, fire and air – and the three basic substances of sulphur, mercury and salt in a framework that respected the psychological, sexual and psychic realities that influenced physical limitations and disease.

“Just as a man can see himself reflected exactly in a mirror, so the physician must have exact knowledge of man and recognize him in the mirror of the four elements in which the whole microcosm reveals itself.” –Paracelsus





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