Day 23: "Sugar Blues" by William Dufty

Day 23 the book is, "Sugar Blues"  a book that's written by William Dufty and first published in 1975.

This book for me was a strong wake up call in my life, so I'm placing it in the spiritual books 100%. Food is addiction and addiction is taking us away from spirit. White sugar makes us dull and uninspired. Couch potatoes...

back to the book...

"Sugar blues" explores the impact of sugar consumption on human health and argues that sugar is a major contributor to various health problems. Dufty criticizes the sugar industry and the role it has played in promoting sugar as a harmless and even beneficial substance.

The book delves into the history of sugar, from its origins to its mass production and widespread use in modern society. Dufty provides an overview of how sugar production and consumption have evolved over the years, and he discusses the political and economic factors that have contributed to the sugar industry's growth.

In "Sugar Blues," Dufty makes the case that excessive sugar consumption is a primary cause of many health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even some forms of cancer. He explains how sugar affects the body, including the impact on blood sugar levels, insulin response, and overall metabolic health, the attitude of a person and it also feeds parasites.

The author also addresses the addictive nature of sugar, comparing it to drugs like alcohol and nicotine. He suggests that sugar creates a cycle of addiction and withdrawal, which can lead to cravings and over consumption. I would dare adding that the addiction of sugar is as deadly as any other heavy drug on the list.

Dufty's book has been praised for raising awareness about the dangers of sugar and inspiring many people to reduce or eliminate sugar from their diets. However, some critics argue that the book oversimplifies the relationship between sugar and health, and that it doesn't take into account other factors, such as genetics and lifestyle choices, that may also play a role in the development of health issues.

This book has had a lasting impact on the way people view sugar and its role in human health.It has been eye opening for me and many others.

It has contributed to an ongoing conversation about the potential risks of excessive sugar consumption and the importance of a balanced and nutritious diet.



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