Day 27: "The Stolen Harvest" by Vandana Shiva

is a powerful and thought-provoking book by Vandana Shiva that explores the impact of global corporate agriculture on small farmers and indigenous communities.

Published in 2000, the book draws on Shiva's extensive experience as an environmental activist and scholar to provide a detailed critique of the industrial agriculture system and its impact on food sovereignty and food security.

Shiva argues that the global food system has been hijacked by large corporations that prioritize profit over the health of the planet and its inhabitants. She asserts that the industrial agriculture system, which relies heavily on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified crops, is contributing to soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, and the displacement of rural communities.

Shiva also highlights the impact of this system on small farmers, particularly those in the Global South, who are often forced to abandon traditional farming practices in order to compete with larger, industrialized farms. She asserts that the resulting loss of biodiversity and cultural heritage is not only damaging to the environment but also undermines the sovereignty of local communities.

Throughout the book, Shiva advocates for a more sustainable and equitable approach to food production and distribution. She highlights the importance of supporting small farmers and indigenous communities, promoting organic farming practices, and protecting the rights of consumers to make informed choices about the food they consume.

We suggest to read all the books of Vandana Shiva!


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