Rays, An advanced teaching of Light Language by Starr Fuentes & Brook.

Advanced Principles of Light Language and Rays!
Learn how to do 12 chakra grids and add master sets and stages... read the details -

Prerequests: Starr Fuentes Light Language I and 2 levels.
Learn to write your personal 12 Chakra Light Grid.
Get the downloads for new colors, sets, and stages.
This is a class of mastery and magical fun! This class adds so much more to your Mayan Sacred Geometry Light Language knowledge.
This 4-6 hour class includes:
- Creating your new 12-shape personal grid using new Light Language colors.
- 21 Advanced sets and stages for your 49-shape Light grids.
Based on the 7 Rays, these sets and stages use advanced shapes and colors and significantly elevate the focus and power of your grids.
- New advanced colors associated with the 7 Rays.
Prerequisite: Starr Fuentes Light Language Level 2 (Intermediate).
For details please check http://lightlanguage.com



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